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Palazzo De Renzi, Rome: Old Times Middle Ages wooden windows

Designer fixtures with tele gray lacquered pine finishes

Designer fixtures with tele gray lacquered pine finishes


Mario De Renzi was born in Rome on November 17th , 1897. Once he concluded his architecture studies at the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome, as student of Arnaldo Foschini, soon became a young talented architect.

During the post WWI period, he started his professional activity at the office of Alberto Calza Bini, obtaining many acknowledgements for his activity and mastering the roman tradition.
From 1929 to 1943 he teaches design as a professor representative at the Faculty of Architecture of the University for the Studies “Federico II” in Naples.
The majority of his works, however, is in Rome. The first part of his designer activity is characterized by a great production of popular building, such as homes for the Governorship’s employees in via Andrea Doria (1929) and Piazza Mazzini (1931).
In 1931 he designs his first relevant work: the huge block of affiliated houses Federici in Viale XXI Aprile, (later on chosen by Ettore Scola to shoot the movie “a peculiar day” with Mastroianni and Sofia Loren), with whom he inserts himself in the “Modern Movement”current.
In the Thirties he began a design partnership with Adalberto Libera, who will turn out to be one of the most prolific designers in the roman circle, and whose production will direct towards the “Italian Rationalism”.
Pine wood Lacquered RAL 7047 Linen Grey