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Basilica of Superga

Infissi e oscuranti di design con finiture in pino laccato e pino miele

Infissi e oscuranti di design con finiture in pino laccato e pino miele


The Basilica of Superga, alsoknown as Royal Basilica off Superga, rises on the homonymous hill located on the northeast of Turin. King Vittorio Amedeo II had it built as a tribute to the Virgin Mary after defeating the French enemies

The project is by Filippo Juvarra from Messina and is dated back to 1715. The chapel, placed on the summit of the hill, can be reached through the street or via the tramway Sassi-Superga. The history of the Chapel starts on September 2nd 1706, when the Duke of Savoia Vittorio Amedeo II and the Prince of Carignano Eugenio of Savoia climbed the hill to observe Turin under the siege of the French and Spanish armies. Vittorio Emanuele knelt down in front of an old pylon and swore that, in case of victory, he would build a monument to the Holy Virgin.
And so it happened: from dawn to the early hours of the afternoon of September 7th the French and Piemontese armies battled in the fields of Lucento and Madonna di Campagna, and finally the latter one won.
Thanks to the victory in the battle, even before the end of the ongoing war against Luigi XIV (Spanish War of Succession), Vittorio Emanuele II was crownwd King of Sicily and untied his vow committing the design of the building to the Sicilian architect Filippo Juvarra (1711).
The construction of the Basilica started on July 20th 1717, and lasted fourteen years. The role of building contractor was committed to the plasterer Filippo Somazzi that not only took care of part of the stucco decorations, but also of some of the masonries. For the whole building period, the top of the hill (672 meters, the second highest in Turin) was only reachable via a terrible stone path, and all the building material was carried on donkeys back. On the 1st of November 1731,in presence of King Vittorio Emanuele II, the temple was inaugurated with a solemn ceremony.
profile according to the works direction’s design, built on project ISOLA TOP BAROCCO WITH SLEEPERS
Lacquered Pine wood RAL 9016 Traffic White