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Communication by NAXA



Your windows have been painted with impregnations and water-soluble paints. The innovative technology of nano molecules applied to the latest generation of anthropomorphic robots used by Caiframe, has been developed in collaboration with leading companies in the production of oils and paints selected by Caiframe. High-tech painting products have been used to ensure optimal protection of the wood and a long-lasting coating film. Thanks to the new painting technologies developed by Caiframe, today the wooden frame needs the same cleaning and maintenance of any other PVC or aluminium frame,

but with a much longer duration and an indisputable beauty!

With this manual we want to give you all the information that can be useful to identify the interventions and all the explanations to be able to perform the work by yourself. To simplify the subject we will always talk about the window below; The same applies, however, also to the external blackout blinds in wood, for doors and for entrance doors.

Remember that following our suggestions with a simple cleaning and maintenance your windows will remain beautiful

Look at the condition of the CAIFRAME windows after more than 9 years, regularly maintained by the cleaning woman with the simple operations below. Provided in March 2010 to one of our dealers in Puglia: photos of April 2019!


Wood is a natural material and therefore not homogeneous and variable. Even using not very durable wood for exterior frames, with proper maintenance you can get excellent results in terms of durability and beauty over time. Some changes and/or movements, however, such as settlings or changes in color must be considered typical and inevitable elements of wood and therefore as an exaltation of its living nature.

The durability is the index of wood resistance over time to the attacks of insects and fungi. A very durable wood will have the ability to last longer than alternative materials without the requirement of interventions with specific treatments, while a not very durable wood can be used without problems but with the warning to subject it to suitable and periodic treatments. It should be noted, however, that the biodegradability of wood gives an ecological value that is difficult to find in other materials.

The “extractives” in the wood determine a unique color for each type of wood and are different between the individual species and also between the individual plants. The color becomes a purely aesthetic value to be used to obtain a pleasant result, combining the different shades of the different species or between the same species.

Resins have the function of protecting plants from the attacks of external factors (insects) and are typical of conifers, such as e.g. the Pine. The presence of resin bags, therefore, is a completely natural element and modest leaks of resin are to be considered characteristics of a natural material. In this regard see the special session DON’T WORRY IF….

The nodes represent the intersection of the branches in the trunk. Their presence is a typical characteristic of wood as trees without branches do not exist in nature. Small nodes do not represent any kind of problem for the production of fixtures while large nodes could lead to a significant decrease in mechanical resistance and cause abnormal withdrawals. The withdrawals of the nodes cause cracks that can be reconstituted with suitable putties.

In the production of fixtures, different pieces of wood are used, which are fixed together by means of glues. If this operation is carried out correctly and with the use of good products, the mechanical characteristics of the frame do not suffer any technical damage but rather improves its performance.


Know to prevent!
Wood is an organic based biological material and belongs to the natural cycle of life where everything is in perpetual transformation. The chemical composition of fresh wood consists of about 70% of water, 1.5% of mineral substances and 26.5% of organic substances. The wood can be nourishment for bacteria, mold or fungi or food for larvae and insects; It is also subject to the other forces of nature: air, water, light and heat that carry out their incessant action of strain and erosion. In general, wood is subject to the aggressive action of light, and in particular to its ultraviolet component; in fact the windows exposed to the south are those that show first signs of degradation, because the U.V. rays are able to break down the structure of the wood itself while the solar heat can cause in some woods the melting of the resins and their leakage to the surface. Another powerful aggressor is the water which, if it can penetrate the wood, allows the growth of the moulds that can develop thus nourishing of the wood making it spongy, fragile or disfigured. The excessive absorption of water or moisture can also cause the spillage of the colored substances naturally present in the wood, as well as cause the swelling of the wood fibers and the consequent variations in the dimensions of the frame. Wood is a natural and lively element that gives warmth and pleasure to all the artifacts that use it. Unfortunately, outside, as we have seen, it suffers the attack of many agents that deteriorate in a short time if it is not well protected. Let’s get to know them closely to better understand how to prevent them.
The most important are:

    • The Ultraviolet Rays, present in the sunlight, the same that cause damage to our skin when in summer we expose ourselves to the sun: they cause the breakdown of the lignin molecules in the surface of the wood, right into the layer then on which the paint film is anchored; as a result of the degradation of the support, the paint peels off.
    • The extreme temperatures that cause the hardening of the most common paints, so these “vitrify”; becoming rigid they can no longer follow the small movements of the wood from which they detach very easily. This phenomenon is very common since e.g. a walnut tinted window exposed to the summer sun can reach a temperature of about 60° C. on the sunny surface.
    • Rain mixing with smog and other pollutants in the air generates acidic solutions that can corrode anything. For this reason, windows need a careful Cleaning every six months as shown below.
    • Moisture, which penetrates into the wood in places where the paint has interruptions, creating a degradation of the support and often the formation of small cracks (a phenomenon evident especially in the heads of the wood). In addition, the humidity accidentally penetrated into the wood as a result of an increase in temperature and by the sun will turn into steam that will cause a certain pressure from the inside out. If the paint is not sufficiently permeable, the vapour pressure may detach it from the wood.
    • Insects: some species of insects and marine invertebrates, in favorable environmental conditions, settle and develop in the wooden structures causing great damage to the artifacts themselves.
  • Bluing (chromogen) and rot fungi

These fungi attach the layer of wood under the paint causing both aesthetic damage and the detachment of the film. It is mainly because of these fungi that the wood on the outside, if not protected, becomes gray. The main fungi that attack wood can be classified into one of the following categories:

  1. Bluing fungi
  2. Rot fungi

The chromogen fungi, commonly called bluing fungi, cause alterations in the natural color of the wood, which tends to take on grayish colors. Instead, they do not affect the mechanical properties of the frame, unlike the most dangerous fungi of rotting. Such fungi, feeding on the substances of which the wood is composed, cause its complete destruction. The development of fungi is due to the humidity present in the wood: to avoid their appearance, it is useful to check always that the paint film is intact, that it does not have cracks that can facilitate water infiltration.

Luckily, your frame has been painted
with the special Caiframe nano-molecule cycle applied with the latest generation of anthropomorphs!

This special cycle uses only water-based and
highly innovative products, supplied by the world’s leading manufacturer of oils and paints and selected by Caiframe for you!

The paints used have been subjected to very strict tests:


Only after passing all these tests, no one excluded, the paints selected for you by Caiframe have reached the highly coveted certificate:

The Caiframe window is therefore protected from all the degradation phenomena described above and if you follow the instructions of this manual you will have it beautiful and functional forever!




Containing an antibacterial fungicide very effective against bluing fungi, which has the function of penetrating and protecting the frame from biological aggression and ensuring an optimal uniformity of absorption of the next coat of colored impregnation. The single-piece application before assembly also guarantees complete protection of the parts even at the coupling points of the individual elements.


Applied with a special machine has the function of:

  1. Deposit in depht the protective agents. Shielding the wood against moisture infiltration of biological attacks thanks to the use of a special nanometer size binder.
  2. Colour the product uniformly thanks to the exclusive use of transparent iron oxides, substances able to absorb harmful UV radiation.
  3. Prevent photo-oxidative degradation of lignin.
  4. Protect the wood by deeply conveying particular substances called “free radical absorbers” and other protective/ stabilizing substances that can bind chemically to lignin and preserve it from damage due to the natural aging of the wood.


Applied with a special machine after the drying of the impregnation has the function of:

  1. Protect the wood even in places difficult to reach by the next layer of finishing paint (e.g. corners, frame rabbets, etc.)
  2. Isolate the most sensitive parts of the frame (e.g. overhead wood) and drastically reduce water penetration, thanks to the nature of the special resins used and the high dry residue. The presence in it of particular additives also guarantees an effective wetting of the pore (especially in difficult woods such as moganoids), allowing to significantly improve the performance of durability on such products outside.
  3. Improve the aesthetic impact of the article, facilitating the sanding and adhesion of the subsequent finishing coat.
  4. Protect the color of the impregnating agent below, fixing it tenaciously to the wood.


Applied with special anthropomorphic robots of latest generation has the function of:

  1. Protect the wood from the demolition of UV radiation. An effective barrier of synthetic absorbers repels more than 90% of the incident radiation. The applied Caiframe finish is a “sunscreen” for wooden windows.
  2. Let the wood breathe. That is, make it permeable to steam. Simultaneously it prevents the penetration of water in the form of rain, condensation, fog, frost, ice and snow. This dual capacity (both breathable and waterproofing) is the basis of the so-called Gore-Tex effect.
  3. Wrap and cover the wood following the movements, even more drastic, thanks to the surprising elasticity of the polymer used (more than 100%). This avoids gaps in the coating. In addition, the high coefficient of elasticity allows to react to mechanical trauma (e.g. hail) and to drastically reduce the cases of localized rupture of the paint film.
  4. Adhere to the support, whether coniferous or broad-leaved, in any condition of exposure, even during long periods of rain or high humidity.
  5. Decorate the article ensuring maximum transparency thanks to the almost total absence of micro-foam.
  6. Guarantee maximum softness to the touch thanks to the use of particular micronized waxes.

With such a protection your window will always remain beautiful as long as the impregnating, the intermediate and the finishing will be able to perform their function.

However, it is essential that the paint layer is always intact and of adequate thickness!

The wooden elements must therefore be checked periodically, especially at the points of greatest stress and, when necessary, small repairs must be carried out on the paint film with the same care that we normally take for the paint of our car.

Remember that regular care saves a complete paint job renewal!

Don’t wait until the surface film is completely ruined before starting any treatment, take a periodic look at the paint on your windows and doors, just like you do with your car!


We have seen that the worst enemies of painted wood on the outside are UV rays, bluing and rot fungi, temperature and humidity.

These degradation factors affect the paint film by changing its characteristics and reducing its thickness until it is so thin that it is no longer able to protect the underlying wood.

Of course not all parts of the frame degrade with the same speed and therefore it is essential to carry out an inspection once a year by checking the points listed below that are those that suffer the most wear.

  • Carefully check the lower crossbar on the outside of the window especially on windows facing south or south-west. In fact, it will be easy to see that the paint will degrade faster in the lower part of the windows that are more exposed to the sun. Because of this fact, these parts are to be observed more carefully during the annual periodic check.When you see that the paint in these points has become thin and opaque, it is time to intervene with the operations of Regeneration below.
  • On external blackout screens (shutters or blinds) it is important to control the entire surface because they are the most exposed to the sun. Remember to check the wood heads too. These points are often subject to the accidental absorption of rainwater that causes a continuous expansion and contraction of the wood. As a result of this stress it is easy to form small cracks a few centimeters long. If during your periodic observations you notice the alterations described, it will be very easy to quickly restore the paint film in these points, following the operations of Retouching and using the supplied products in order to rebuild the original waterproofing.
  • It is also useful to remember that every time you get a mechanical trauma that can interrupt the continuity of the paint film (abnormal movements of the wood, external agents such as scratches, rifling or exceptional hailstorms) It is necessary to intervene quickly by making a Retouching to restore the continuity of the film and avoid that the water can fit under the paint film thus damaging the wood.


Functions of cleaning and maintenance

  • Remove the pollutants deposited on the surface of the windows.
  • Compensate for the effects of climate and exposure conditions.
  • Restore the full protective functionality of the paint.
  • Note in good time the presence of any damage to the paint film and repair them preventing wood and paint from being damaged irremediably.
  • Do not wait until the surface film is completely ruined before starting any treatment.

“Prevention is better than cure”

The maintenance works of the painting film are substantially five:

  1. The cleaning
  2. The regeneration
  3. The retouching
  4. The renewal
  5. The restoration


When cleaning windows, it is useful not to limit this operation only to the glasses, but to extend it to the entire painted surface both in the visible surfaces of the product and in the less accessible and visible areas (window and external screens rabbets, gaps and guides of the roller shutters, mosquito net guides, drain holes of drippers, etc.): this allows to remove traces of smog, acid rain and dust that, depositing there, corrode the coating film layer, decreasing the protection.


Little considered but of undisputed importance is the cleaning of the drain holes of drippers of both windows and door windows.

You can simply use an awl to remove any dirt and then a simple brush.


Particular care must be taken in the case of roller shutters, in fact, the cleaning must be carried out both on the roller shutter (surface and side areas) and on the guides of the same, in order to allow the appropriate sliding of the cloth, must be kept clean, free of dirt, insects and other residues.


Attention must also be paid to the cleaning of the mosquito net and/or blackout cloth. Although it is made with materials designed for installation on the outside of the windows, to extend its life we recommend to keep it collected in the aluminum box in the winter months. It does not require special maintenance activities, except for the possible cleaning of the net-cloth to be done with a sponge, warm water and neutral detergent, dabbing on the opposite side. Clean the guides with a simple brush.

Avoid the use of lubricating oil or grease. If necessary, the roller can be lubricated near the heads with silicone spray. For any breakdowns or malfunction of the mosquito net, please contact the Dealer/Reseller or the nearest C.A.T. Caiframe, who will evaluate whether to intervene for repair or order the new piece directly.


Cleaning is a very important operation, in fact, the rain mixing with the smog generates acidic solutions that corrode any material, including the paint of your window. Therefore, to prevent smog from settling on the clean surface means to greatly increase the duration of the painting film and keep it always intact and shiny. It is sufficient to clean the outer surface of the wooden elements every 6 months, in spring and autumn, using the neutral detergent T.Clean, which does not spoil the surface, provided in the kit.

Apply the detergent with a soft cloth without apply strong pressure, passing it gently in a circular motion on the dry surface. Then always wipe with a cloth, even the same, without rinsing. In the case of installation of the door and window in particularly aggressive areas (high pollution rate, near to livestock factories, foundries, tanneries, saline environment) cleaning should be carried out on a quarterly basis. Avoid cleaning with alcohol or with more aggressive detergents such as those based on alcohol or ammonia, which by attaching the film of paint cause deleterious damage to the entire article.

For a more complete explanation of the Cleaning and Regenerating operations see the following video:

(The video shows the Cleaning operations of this paragraph together with those of Rigenero of the next paragraph).

For the use of the Detergent T.Clean refer to the following data sheet: Water-based cleaner

To purchase the products you can directly contact Renner authorized dealers (https://www.renneritalia.com/it/pages/view/distribuzione-italia).


It is the great novelty that we propose and that revolutionizes the general concept of maintenance of the wooden frame. This new operation is made possible thanks to the production of a special REGENERATING MOLECULES T.Top+ provided in the cleaning kit, specially designed to regenerate that thin layer of paint that is consumed over time. This operation must be carried out on films in good condition, where the paint film has not yet been damaged (no cracks or splits).

In practice, this is a very simple operation to be carried out with a cloth that allows you to postpone the renewal intervention much later in the years that we will describe below;

this operation carried out every 6 months, before the summer and winter period, starting from the year of laying, keeps the painting film as new!

From the operational point of view, proceed as follows: after having washed the article (see item n. 1 of the previous paragraph) apply T.Top+ on the external and internal surface of the frame; after spraying, use the supplied cloth. To obtain a perfect result, avoid the rotating movement in the cloth and pass it back and forth in the direction of the wood fibers. Caution: avoid applying this product during the hours when the windows are directly exposed to the sun or on hot surfaces as an excessive speed of drying could lead to the formation of halos; Do not perform the operation with temperatures below 10°C or on rainy days. The T.Top+ can be used on both transparent and lacquered coatings in general and dries quickly without leaving marks or unpleasant odors. In addition to regenerating the paint film and restoring the original brilliance to the surface, this operation closes any micro-fractures and porosity of the film, thus increasing its durability. In cases where the paint film has been visibly damaged due to scratches, riflings or dents, it will still be necessary to proceed to the Retouching as previously specified.


Do not apply large quantities of T.Top+, risk of bleaching the film.

The regularly used T.Top+ is a valuable help to defeat all the factors of paint degradation and will postpone the intervention of Renewal (see next paragraph) much later in time; in some situations in fact the renewal will not be necessary before 15 years from the laying!
For a more complete explanation of the Cleaning and Regenerating operations see the following video:

(The video shows the Cleaning operations of the previous paragraph together with those of Rigenero of this paragraph).

For the use of the Regenerating T.Top+ refer to the following data sheet: T-Top+ Water-based wood reviving


ATTENTION! In case of Oil finishing, after the operations of Cleaning, instead of the Regenerating T.Top+, apply the Misto Oli of the following data sheet: Mixed-Oils transparent for Teak excellent on any wood species treated with oil.

To purchase the products you can directly contact Renner authorized dealers (https://www.renneritalia.com/it/pages/view/distribuzione-italia).

Want to know more about how the Caiframe Cleaning and Regeneration Kit works?

The T.Clean neutral water cleaner and the ravvivalegno all’acqua T.Top+ are the main allies of the wooden frame against natural degradation. T.Clean is the ideal product to clean the products from smog, dust of various types and even from mild oily sediments. T.Top+ brings shine and softness to the paint. Thanks to its exclusive composition, in a few minutes the dressing penetrates inside the micro-fractures of the coating and repairs the damage caused by time. The “healing” oligomers of T.Top+ nourish the paint, restoring its continuity and elastic capabilities. The effectiveness of these extraordinary products unfolds with minimal effort. Just apply T.Clean and T.Top+ at least twice a year, preferably in late spring and late autumn, and the paint of your window immediately regains tone and brilliance. For their special formulations T.Clean and T.Top+ they can also be deposited on the glass surface. The two products, in fact, are easily removable with the microfiber cloths supplied and do not leave streaks.

As we have seen before the wooden windows, once exposed to the outside, are attacked by fungi, ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, humidity… The cleaning and maintenance kit T.Top+ effectively combats the degradation resulting from the aggression of atmospheric events.

T.Top+ against moisture
Water attempts to bypass the paint barrier and penetrate. If moisture can be inserted into the micro-fractures, it affects the structure and promotes the formation of cracks. Once inside the wood, if stimulated by high temperatures, the water tends to evaporate, pressing on the layer of paint that will tend to detach. The “healing” oligomers of T.Top+ fill the micro slits and restore the waterproofness of the paint.

T.Top+ against rot fungi
They are microorganisms that, through the cracks of the frame, penetrate between the paint and the surface layer of the wood, resulting in the detachment of the film and making the article gray. T.Top+ also occludes the smallest fissure and prevents fungi rooting.

T.Top+ against ultraviolet rays
Solar radiation acts on the surface of the wood, stressing the lignin molecules and causing their degradation. As a result of this decay phenomenon, the paint peels off. The systematic cleaning with T.Top+, thanks to the extraordinary “healing” action of the oligomers, prevents the expansion of microfractures determined by ultraviolet rays and extends the life of the frame for an unimaginable time.

T.Top+ against high temperature
Excessive temperature negatively affects the elastic characteristics of the paint. The film “vitrifies” and is unable to accommodate the imperceptible movements of the wood. The detachment of the coating is the natural consequence of this stiffening. The application of T.Top+ intervenes to prevent “vitrification”.


T.Top+ is a maintenance kit. A regular and continuous application of the detergent and the regenerating agent slows down the action of degradation of the atmospheric agents. T.Top+ intervenes at the level of micro-fractures and does not repair the damage on the frame already in an advanced state of deterioration.


It is the simplest and fastest operation, which must be done regularly in order to keep the paint film intact.

In the event that the surface of the frame is affected or there are small cracks, also caused by strong atmospheric agents, such as hail, or accidental scratches, action must be taken immediately to prevent rainwater, filtering into the wood through the fractures of the paint film, causes the appearance of fungi, color alterations, or the detachment of parts of the paint film from the support.
If in your annual inspection of the painted surface, conducted according to the suggestions we gave you
previously, you find points where the wood is uncovered and the paint film is interrupted, immediately apply a new layer of paint with the brush before the underlying wood degrades.
The retouching is a simple operation that will occupy you for a few minutes a year but will allow you to always have a perfect painted surface and will avoid more energetic renewal interventions.

It is therefore necessary to sand only the affected area with 150 grit abrasive paper and apply, with a brush up with mixed bristles animal/synthetic, the impregnating agent for retouching provided in the accessory box at the time of delivery, of the same colour originally used for painting.

After 2 hours, when impregnating is dried, apply over the same, with brush with mixed bristles, the finishing touch always provided in the accessory box at the time of delivery.
To obtain a better aesthetic result, the retouching operation can be extended to a whole piece of the frame (e.g. upright, crossbar, rabbet, etc.).

After drying, after 2 hours, apply a second coat of finishing.

It is important to know that, as a result of the inevitable movements of the wood, it may happen that the joints of the components of the windows (transoms, uprights, slats, shutters, staves, ashlars, dark panels, etc.) they can move from the original seat, revealing points of different colouration from the surfaces in view.

It is essential to proceed promptly to the protection of the same before they suffer the aggression of the weather.
Therefore, proceed at these points by applying with a brush with mixed bristles (animal/ synthetic) the impregnation provided inside the box of accessories. Wait 2 hours for the impregnation drying and then apply the transparent finish inside the accessory box with a mixed bristle brush (animal/synthetic).
After another 2 hours of the finish drying, apply a second coat.
For RAL lacquered products apply directly 3 coats of colored finish also provided in the accessory box. It is not necessary to proceed with the application of the impregnating because the colored finish performs also that function.
For a more complete explanation of the operations of Retouching see the following video:

For the products to be used go to the Product data sheet paints.

The company Caiframe does not provide the necessary primers and finishes as it does not have do it yourself kits. However, by contacting the Dealer/Reseller or the C.A.T. Caiframe, you will receive information on the product codes related to your supply, which you can then purchase from Renner authorized resellers (https://www.renneritalia.com/it/pages/view/distribuzione-italia)


It is a sporadic operation to be carried out only in case of need, even this completely simple and that you can carry out alone with extreme simplicity.

A layer of paint is applied over the entire surface as the original film has been worn out in the meantime. As you know, outside all materials tend to wear out, including the paint on your windows. However, if you have made any necessary retouching diligence and carried out the operation of regeneration every 6 months, this operation will not be necessary before about 10/12 years from the installation of the frame depending on the type of artifact and its exposure.

How do I determine the right time to renew?

When you see that the paint film has become thinner and rougher to the touch and at the same time lost its original brilliance, that’s the right time to intervene (normally we said not before 10 or 12 years) The renewal should in fact be done when the film is still intact because in this case the operation will be very simple and fast.

How do I renew?

  1. To carry out the renewal operation you must purchase the products from an authorized dealer Renner (https://www.renneritalia.com/it/pages/view/distribuzione-italia) after consulting our Product data sheet paints.
  2. Apply the rubberized paper tape to the glass adjacent to the wood to avoid accidental abrasions on the glass plate during sanding and the inadvertent application of the paint on the silicone and glass.
  3. Using a sandpaper grit 150, pass through the entire surface to remove the small amounts of dirt that the water cannot dissolve and at the same time promote a better grip of the paint that will be applied. During this procedure, be careful not to insist too much on the edges in order not to remove the color. The surface is well prepared when it becomes all uniformly opaque.
  4. If in some areas you get, after sanding, to the raw wood, apply locally before finishing the impregnation of the desired color with a simple brush. Wait for 2 hours drying before applying the finish. To find the impregnating code please consult our Product data sheet paints.
  5. Clean the surface from sanding dust with a damp cloth or blow with a hair dryer using cold air.
  6. Wear gloves supplied, not because the paint is dangerous (it is certified non-toxic for man) but because it is a resin so effective to the surface that then it would be difficult to remove from the hands.
  7. Shake and mix the finishing jar well before use. This finish is ready to use for application and does not require any dilution; also being a water product, it does not generate harmful odors. To make the surface smoother and smoother you can add 5 – 10 % of normal tap water. Do not worry about the milky appearance that you will see when opening the jar; when the varnish is perfectly dried it will become perfectly transparent.
  8. Take a brush with mixed animal/synthetic bristles and immerse it for a third in the finish of the same color originally used for painting the window (see our Product data sheet paints). After draining it on one side, pressing it on the edge of the jar, apply the product.
  9. To obtain a perfect surface, hold the brush tilted by 45°, and paint the individual pieces according to the length. After about 30 minutes the paint will be “out of dust”; after 8 hours it will be dry to the touch. At this point, after 2 hours you can possibly give a second coat. But be careful because the film is still fragile; will be completely dry after 24 hours.
  10. Paint in the shade and avoid, as far as possible, working in full sun. Do not paint at temperatures below 10°C.
  11. Do not apply paint to the seals.
  12. After processing, the jar should be hermetically closed and stored upside down to avoid air infiltration. The brush should be washed only with soap and water and then, after wrapping it in a paper towel, carefully placed horizontally.

Store the paint can in a cool place but protected from frost and out of the reach of children.

General warnings for the renewal operation

  • Do not apply in the sun or on hot surfaces, allow to dry in a ventilated way and not exposed to the sun for 8 hours before applying a second coat and 36 hours before closing the window completely.
  • Windows should not be exposed to rain before 36 hours after application of the paint.
  • In the period after painting may occur, in conditions of high humidity, whitening of the paint due to drying not yet fully completed; This is a completely normal phenomenon that you should not worry about: it will disappear by itself as soon as the ambient humidity returns to normal.

When the renovation is complete, your window is as good as new!

For a more complete explanation of the Renewal operations see the following video:

For the use of the Finish please refer to the following data sheet: Water-based finishing


For the product codes to be used go to the Product data sheet paints.

The company Caiframe does not provide the necessary primers and finishes as it does not have do it yourself kits. However, by contacting the Dealer/Reseller or the C.A.T. Caiframe, you will receive information on the product codes related to your supply, which you can then purchase from Renner authorized resellers (https://www.renneritalia.com/it/pages/view/distribuzione-italia)


Objective: this operation is necessary in cases of very degraded surfaces, with showy detachments of the paint film, cracks and graying of the wood. These degradation results from the lack of preventive maintenance (cleaning, retouching, regeneration, renewal).

Procedure: a correct execution of the restoration requires the complete removal of the old damaged film, by mechanical sanding (first with 60 grit abrasive paper and then with 100 grit, or orbital 150 grit). If the old paint is removed by a paint stripper, then the surfaces should be washed and wait a few days before continuing the treatment. If necessary, proceed to the filling of any cracks and holes, then performing a second phase of sanding, this time with a finer sandpaper finer: 120-150. Taking care to protect glasses, silicone and handles, it is now possible to start the painting cycle, with the application of the water impregnation of the desired color, available from authorized dealers Renner (https://www.renneritalia.com/it/pages/view/distribuzione-italia).

After about 2 hours of drying, apply two or three coats of water finish of the desired color, always available at authorized dealers Renner (https://www.renneritalia.com/it/pages/view/distribuzione-italia). Between one coat and the other, always wait for the drying time of 2 hours. Wait until the paint is perfectly dry before any other intervention and/or handling.

Periodicity: it is not possible to establish a cadence; must be carried out in an extraordinary manner in the event of marked surface deterioration


The restoration operation must be carried out exclusively following the indications of specialized personnel in order to avoid irreparable damage to the product. Do not hesitate to call a C.A.T. who will advise you and trust:

a Caiframe wooden window after the Restoration operations will be beautiful as before and more than before, as the wood crossed by time returns a unique and inimitable flavor!

If you want, after the explanations received by the C.A.T. you can also refer to the following video:

For the use of Impregnating and Finishing for the Restoration please refer to the following technical data sheets: Water-based filler and Water-based finishing


For the product codes to be used go to the Product data sheet paints.

The company Caiframe does not provide the necessary primers and finishes as it does not have do it yourself kits. However, by contacting the Dealer/Reseller or the C.A.T. Caiframe, you will receive information on the product codes related to your supply, which you can then purchase from Renner authorized resellers (https://www.renneritalia.com/it/pages/view/distribuzione-italia)




The wood blinds are more exposed to atmospheric agents for their installation and therefore need more accurate checks, at least every six months:

  • Check that the doors do not rub on the windowsills, floors, thresholds. With rubbing, the paint film becomes damaged and the window remains unprotected. If necessary, contact the nearest C.A.T. to make the necessary adjustments.
  • Check the absence of stagnation of rainwater or drainage on both the window sill on the threshold and on the floor and that therefore the doors of the blackout do not remain in contact with it for a long time.
  • Check the upper and lower wood heads of the uprights which are completely and frequently exposed to water absorption. If any injuries occur, wait for a warm, dry period and do the Retouching operations promptly.
  • Check the traverses in places where water, frost and snow can stagnate and if you repent of injuries, wait for a warm and dry period and promptly carry out the operations of Retouching

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