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Discover the maintenance of all window and door elements

08.1 VETRO

The windows glass surfaces maintenance consists in the periodic cleaning with appropriate products.

Goal: removing smog and dirt that, in time, strongly sticks to the surface, resulting in making the cleaning process harder. For the satin glass of the inner doors, it is necessary to be careful during the degreasing process, to avoid the persistence of stains and halo.

Procedure: clean with a solution of water and non-aggressive detergents (ex. Neutral soap). You can also use specific products you can find on the market, but be careful to avoid contact with silicone (perimetric sealer) and with the paint film.

Periodicity: every three months in particular situations (closeness to high traffic streets, industrial areas, seaside areas or high exposure to weathering)


A very important characteristic for the window is to be watertight, that highly depends on the evacuation chamber, also called dripper.

Goal: avoid flooding caused by the occlusion of the drain holes for rain water

Procedure: verify that the holes are cleared from dirt, deposits and bugs. Remove any occlusive material without damaging the aluminum or wood surfaces (use brushes with soft bristles of appropriate dimension).
Clean internally and externally with a solution of water and neutral detergents.

Periodicity: every six months or, if necessary, when the regular rain water outflow is prevented.

08.3 SEALS

Another peculiar characteristic of the window is the airtight given by seals made of elastic material that, if optimal, promotes noise reduction and thermic isolation with a consequent energetic saving for the air conditioning of the rooms.

Goal: to grant the maximum efficiency of the windows watertight and airtight.

Procedure: verify the presence of damaged or scratched areas. Remove any dirt in the seals folds using a brush with soft bristles. Clean with a solution made of water and neutral soap. Clean with a solution made of water and neutral soap.

Periodicity: every six months.

Change the seals if during the cleaning process, they result clearly damaged (ex. torn). Before inserting the new seal, clean the site with a sot brush, taking off any dirt build up. After the application, verify the correct hold on the whole perimeter. To obtain spare seals, contact the dealer/seller or the nearest C.A.T..


Always use a suitable seal, ask for advice at your dealer/seller or authorized Caiframe C.A.T. The use of a not suitable seal might cause serious difficulties in the airtight closing process.


We recommend to keep the windows doors closed in case of exposure of the glass to the sunlight. The sun’s heating would create such a temperature inside the chamber between the shutter and the glass that would cause the breaking of the glass sheet because of the thermic shock, as shown in the picture reported below.
In such cases, we are not dealing with quality problems of the glass sheet. The temperatures reached inside the chamber are not compatible with the chamber glass, even if of the finest quality.



With the introduction of a special treatment based on the ionic transfer of the metals, the product’s surface is protected from scratches and alterations for many years ( in normal use and cleaning conditions); the distinction between the handles is highlighted in the article’s description, by the PVD wording. The following indications must be considered anyway suitable for every kind of handle, martellina or door handle etc.

Goal: avoid that weathering and dirt (ex, hands oil) might attack spoil the handles surface. We recommend a cleaning according to the directions given below, especially for external entrance doors handles, because dirt that builds up, considering the normal air pollution rate, contains aggressive agents that must be frequently removed.

Procedure: use a clean cloth, dry and soft (preferably a wool cloth) or, if necessary, a sponge and simple warm water.

Periodicity: every three months, once a month in particular situations (intense use, closeness to high traffic streets, industrial sites, seaside sites or a high exposure to weathering, installation of windows in bathrooms, showers, saunas etc.).


  • Absolutely avoid direct or indirect contact by inhaling or using of solvents, metal polishing, detergents or other chemical products.
  • Avoid installing the handles before painting the walls, polishing the floors or painting the parquet. Otherwise, the handles are exposed to contact, even indirect, with the chemical agents used for such treatments.


Goal: to prevent deterioration caused by substances like smog, dirt, or a saline environment that, building up during time, might damage the superficial protection, even of materials such as brass and steel.

Procedure: clean up the any material accumulated without damaging the hardware’s protection surface, using a brush with soft bristles. About this, consult the “Surface’s quality maintenance” section of the technical catalogue MACO-MAICO, German hardware producer, leder in the field: Maico Manual.


For Oak tree and Chestnut windows, and for those installed in areas within 1500 meters from the last sea wave, once the saltiness and dust are removed from the hardware’s mechanisms, protect all the elements with petroleum jelly. Such treatment is also advised for the special Tricoat hardware, since it extends its life span.

Periodicity: every six months; every three months in particularly aggressive situations (closeness to high traffic streets, industrial sites and seaside sites or areas highly exposed to weathering, window installation in bathrooms, showers, saunas etc.). also in case of Oak wood and Chestnut windows, that are subject to tannic fumes, especially during the first years of their life cycle, the periodicity of the activities reported above must be increased, therefore every three months.


In case of particular deterioration of the window, caused by aggressive environment (ex. smog, closeness to the seaside etc.) and contemporary lack of maintenance, contact your dealer/seller or the authorized Caiframe’s C.A.T., that will provide to substitute the damaged parts or, if necessary, of the whole opening/closing system.


Goal: To prevent the excessive usury of the mobile parts (sliding bars, cremonesi, hinges, encounters, nottolini etc.); to guarantee an easy and safe use of the opening elements.

Procedure: perform the actions described in the cleaning phase. Examine the moving parts of the closing/opening mechanisms and the support systems (hinges). Lubricate the moving parts using joint and bearings grease or petroleum jelly or mineral oil. Use small brushes or swabs avoiding greasing the parts not involved. Spread little amounts of lubricant only in those points where needed.

Regarding the doors and entrance doors cylinders, they need special cares. At least once a year you need to lubricate the inner device through the key’s entrance hole; we recommend to only use spray products that are specifically intended for this use.
We also remind you not to use vegetable oils or other lubricants that would form a deposit of grease and dust that would quickly spoil the cylinder’s functioning.
About this, we invite you to refer to the technical catalogue MACO-MAICO, a German hardware producer leader in the field: Maico manual.

Periodicity: every year, always after the cleaning.


The maneuver’s organs and suspension systems are usually equipped with special devices that allow the regulation of the hardware and therefore the easy use of the window, even when some little adjustments occur or little variations of the planarity, typical of wood products.

Goal: to prevent maneuver efforts above the norm (even after cleaning and lubrication) and the impossibility to close the window other than situations in which the window door bumps the floor or the fixed frame or doors bumping into each other.


  • Every year after the first year from the installation;
  • Occasional during the first months after the installation;
  • In case of evident opening/closing difficulties .

Trend hinges regulation

It is normal that, with the passing of time, the window might show some problems during the closing phase (pressure). It is possible to adjust the strength acting on:

  • Door balancing
  • Horizontal movements of the door
  • Vertical movements of the door

About this, we invite you to refer to the technical catalogue MACO-MAICO, a German hardware producer leader in the field: Maico manual.

Adjustable Anuba regulation

Below we report the regulation schemes of the stem hinges.
Simply use an Allen key.
Screw A and B: R or L shutter regulation.
Screw C: High and Low shutter regulation.

External Darkening’s hinges regulation (shutters – tailgates)

For the regulation operations, you can refer to the technical sheet attached.


For other window regulations and armored doors, sliding and tilt door windows adjustment, please contact your dealer/seller or the authorized Caiframe’s C.A.T. autorizzato Caiframe.

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